Scheduled for April 2025
- Administrative Reform in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain and its Empire: A System of Economy (Studies in the Eighteenth Century Book 14) by Sebastian Meurer
- Bath and Beyond: The Social and Cultural World of the Georgian Assembly Room (Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Cultures and Societies) by Hillary Burlock, Robin Eagles, et al.
- Charles Johnson’s General History of the Pyrates and Global Commerce (Transits: Literature, Thought & Culture, 1650-1850) by Noel Chevalier
- Citoyennes ou rebelles: Des Bretonnes dans la Révolution française (French edition) by Solenn Mabo
- From My Window: The Diary of Althea Fanshawe by Deirdre Marculescu
- Georgian London Map: Guide to Georgian architecture in London by Owen Hopkins
- Germany’s Struggle for Modernity: Society, Economy, Culture, and Politics, 1780-1918 by Jürgen Kocka and Volker Berghahn
- Go Ask Austen: Life Lessons from Jane Austen by Violet De Whitt and George Saad
- Journal of the American Revolution 2025: Annual Volume by Don N Hagist (Editor)
- King George’s War and the Thirty Year Peace: The Third Contest for North America by Michael G. Laramie
- Last Impressions: Jane Austen’s Endings by Theresa M. Kenney
- Major General Thomas Mifflin: The Army’s First Quartermaster General and the First Governor of Pennsylvania by Robert Ernest Hubbard
- Material masculinities: Men and Goods in Eighteenth-Century England (Gender in History) by Ben Jackson
- Napoleon en de paus: Het Concordaat van 1801 (Dutch edition) by Pierre Trouillez
- Napoleon Recaptures Paris: March 20, 1815 (Routledge Revivals) by Claude Manceron
- Saving London’s Abandoned Babies in the Eighteenth Century: Thomas Coram’s Foundling Hospital by Gudrun Limbrick
- The Fate of the Day: The War for America, Fort Ticonderoga to Charleston, 1777-1780 by Rick Atkinson
- The Jacobites and the Grand Tour: Educational Travel and Small-States’ Diplomacy (Jacobite Studies) by Jérémy Filet
- The Novel Life of Jane Austen: A Graphic Biography by Janine Barchas and Isabel Greenberg
- The Rhetoric of Science: A Study of Scientific Ideas and Imagery in Eighteenth-Century English Poetry (Routledge Revivals) by William Powell Jones
- The Two Georges: Parallel Lives in an Age of Revolution (Exhibit Companion Series) by Carla D. Hayden, Susan Reyburn, Zach Klitzman
- Undaunted Mind: The Intellectual Life of Benjamin Franklin by Kevin J. Hayes
- The Year That Made America: From Rebellion to Independence, 1775–1776 by Tom McMillan
- Vendre l’exotisme: Épiciers de l’Ouest au XVIIIe siècle (French edition) by David Audibert
- Winning the Ten Crucial Days: The Keys to Victory in George Washington’s Legendary Winter Campaign by David Price
Scheduled for March 2025
- A Cultural History of the Violin in Nineteenth-Century London: From Instrument to Art by Tom Wilder, James Ehnes
- A detailed biography of Jane Austen: The Untold Story of Love, Loss, and Literary Genius by Timely History
- A Jane Austen Year: Celebrating 250 years of Jane Austen by Jane Austen’s House
- Appiani – Le peintre de Napoléon en Italie (French edition) by Rémi Cariel
- Charles Hare’s Great Escape: The Story of a Napoleonic Prisoner of War (Spotlight series) by Katherine Gazzard
- Diary of A Soldier: A Hessian Officer’s Eyewitness Account of the 1792 French Campaign by Carl Stamford, Sean Lyman
- “Darling Jane”. Jane Austen – eine Biographie: Alles über die englische Schriftstellerin, die mit “Stolz und Vorurteil” unsterblich wurde (German Edition) by Christian Grawe
- De Venise au monde: Production et commerce global des perles de verre au XVIIIe siècle (French edition) by Pierre Niccolò Sofia
- Discovering Britain and Ireland in the Romantic Period: Grand Tours (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism, Series Number 151) by Alison O’Byrne and James Watt
- Eighteenth-Century Engravings and Visual History in Britain (British Art: Histories and Interpretations since 1700) by Isabelle Baudino
- First Impressions: Jane Austen’s Southampton Circle, 1780-1820 by Cheryl Butler
- Francisco Antonio de Almeida: The Baroque Virtuoso: From Lisbon to Rome – A Composer’s Legacy Rediscovered by Joao Rigoberto
- Georgian Feminists: Ten 18th Century Women Ahead of their Time by Rebecca Sophia Katherine Wilson
- Global Germany Circa 1800: A Revisionist Literary History (Max Kade Research Institute) by Todd Kontje
- Jane Austen and George Eliot: The Lady and The Radical by Edward Whitley
- Jane Austen in 41 Objects by Kathryn Sutherland
- Jane Austen’s Garden: A Botanical Tour of the Classic Novels by Molly Williams and Jessica Roux
- Jane Austen: Nice Distinctions: (A celebration of her percipience.) by Harvey T. Dearden
- Jane Austen: The Life of a Literary Titan by Caroline Sanderson
- General T. Perronet Thompson, 1783–1869: His Military, Literary and Political Campaigns (Routledge Revivals) by L.G. Johnson
- Im Schatten der Macht: Napoleons Frauen: Die wahren Geschichten von Napoleons einflussreichen Frauen (German Edition) by Renée Vilars
- Letterlocking: The Hidden History of the Letter by Jana Dambrogio and Daniel Starza Smith
- Living with Jane Austen by Janet Todd
- Ludwig I. von Bayern: Träume und Macht (German Edition) by Marita Krauss
- Napoléon (French Edition) by Jean Tulard, Emmanuel Hecht
- Napoleon’s Army at Austerlitz: Uniforms and Equipment of the Grande Armée at the Emperor’s Greatest Battle by Paul L Dawson
- Reading Fashion: Book IV The Revolutionary Age: A Study Guide and Coloring Book by Jan Shelton Hunsake
- Reading the World: British Practices of Natural History, 1760-1820 by Edwin D. Rose
- The Art and Industry of Stucco Decoration in Europe from the Late 16th to the Early 18th Century by Giacinta Jean, Alberto Felici, Letiziz Tedeschi
- The Market for Skill: Apprenticeship and Economic Growth in Early Modern England (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World) by Patrick Wallis
- The Northern Coalition against Napoleon, The Campaigns of Bernadotte, Britain and the Swedes 1810-1815 (From Reason to Revolution 1721-1815) by Patrik Björk
- The Russian Patriotic War of 1812, Volume 3 (From Reason to Revolution) by Modest Ivanovich Bogdanovich, Peter G.A. Phillips
- Turner and Constable: Art, Life, Landscape by Nicola Moorby
- Washington’s Lieutenants: Generals in the Revolutionary War by Douglas M. Branson
Scheduled for February 2025
- Arctic Genius: Sir William Edward Parry: The Original Arctic Explorer by Trevor Ware
- Avec Napoléon (French Edition) by Pierre-Louis Roederer and Thierry Lentz
- ‘A World of New Ideas’, 1650–1820: Welsh Scientists of the Long Eighteenth Century, Volume 1: The Isles (Scientists of Wales) by Paul Frame
- Captains of Trafalgar by Perry Comer
- Dark Allure of the Côte d’Azur: Beauty, Leisure and Violence on the French Riviera since the Eighteenth by Raymond Leslie Bryant
- Erasmus Darwin’s Gardens: Medicine, Agriculture and the Sciences in the Eighteenth Century (Garden and Landscape History) by Professor Paul A Elliott
- Faith in the Town: Lay Religion in Northern England, 1740–1830 by Hannah Barker, Carys Brown, Kate Gibson, Jeremy Gregory
- From Trenton to Yorktown: Turning Points of the Revolutionary War by John R. Maass
- Georgian Feminists: Ten 18th Century Women Ahead of their Time by Rebecca Sophia Katherine Wilson
- German Troops in the American Revolution (2): Braunschweig, Waldeck, Hessen-Hanau, Ansbach-Bayreuth, and Anhalt-Zerbst: 543 (Men-at-Arms) by Donald M. Londahl-Smidt and Jeff Trexler
- Jane Austen’s Bookshelf: The women writers who shaped a legend by Rebecca Romney
- Les peintures italiennes du musée Napoleon (1810-1815) (French edition) by Stephane Loire
- Making the Enfield Pattern 1853 Rifle-Musket: The Evolution of Gun Making, 1820–1860 by Peter G. Smithurst
- Modern Britain, 1750 to the Present (Cambridge History of Britain) by James Vernon
- Napoléon contre Pie VII : Ou comment kidnapper un pape (French Edition) by Jean-Claude Demory
- Napoleonic Objects and their Afterlives: Art, Culture and Heritage, 1821-present by Nicole Cochrane, Matilda Greig
- Napoleon’s Dragoons and Lancers: Uniforms and Equipment by Paul L Dawson
- Olympe de Gouges. Une femme dans la Révolution (French Edition) by Florence Lotterie and Élise Pavy-Guilbert
- On Wonder: Literature and Science in the Long Eighteenth Century (Elements in Eighteenth-Century Connections) by Tita Chico
- Revolutionary Europe 1789-1815 (Illustrated) by H. Morse Stephens
- Robert Wedderburn: British Insurrectionary, Jamaican Abolitionist (Black Lives) by Ryan Hanley
- The 1750s (1750 – 1759): Cultural Flourish and Brewing Rebellion by Emily Windsor
- The Art of Walking in London: Representing the Eighteenth-Century City, 1700–1830 by Alison O’Byrne
- The Beginnings of the Egyptian Question and The Rise of Mehemet Ali: A Study in the Diplomacy of the Napoleonic Era (Routledge Revivals) by Shafik Ghorbal
- The Georgian ‘Establishment’: Seen Through the Life and Trials of Edward Law, Lord Ellenborough by James Hobson
- The First and Last King of Haiti: The Rise and Fall of Henry Christophe by Marlene L Daut
- The Real Charles Dickens by Stephen Browning, Simon Thomas
- The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars, 1796-1815: Organisation, Uniforms, Weapons and Flags, Military History Guide by Gabriele Esposito
- Thinking Women and Art in the Long Eighteenth Century: Strategic Reinterpretations (Visual and Material Culture, 1300-1700) by Mechthild Fend, Jennifer Germann, et al.
- Von einem Mädchen, das das Schreiben liebte. Jane Austen (German edition) by Deborah Hopkinson, Qin Leng, Nora Schröder
- William Blake and the Cartographic Imagination: Maps, Diagrams, Networks by Caroline Anjali Ritchie
- Women’s Periodicals and Print Culture in Britain, 1690-1820s: The Long Eighteenth Century (The Edinburgh History of Women’s Periodical Culture in Britain) by Jennie Batchelor, Manushag N. Powell
- Workers of War and Empire from New France to British America, 1688–1783 (McGill-Queen’s Studies in Early Canada / Avant le Canada): Volume 10 by Richard H. Tomczak
Scheduled for January 2025
- Battle Flags of the Wars for North America, 1754–1783: Foreign Armies and Regiments by Steven W. Hill
- Biography of Napoleon Bonaparte: The Childhood of Napoleon Bonaparte by Harry Johnson
- Burke and Hare by Fred Spooner
- Childhood and War in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Jennine Hurl-Eamon
- De Franse Revolutie II (Dutch edition) by Johan Op de Beeck
- Dress Me Jane Austen: Regency Era Fashion Style (Fashion and Style Books) by Alaya Aifel
- English Literature in History, 1780-1830: Pastoral and Politics (Routledge Revivals) by Roger Sales
- How Did 18th-Century Naval Ships Work? A Detailed Look at it’s Engineering: A Simple Guide to HMS Victory (His Majesty’s Ship) and the Secrets of Historic … Vessels (The Mechanics of Motion Book 2) by Elliot Vaynor
- If Jane Austen Spoke the Language of Gen Z: Pride and Prejudice in the Present Day: Regency Historical Romance Meets Modern Literature: A Classic Reimagined in British Culture with Contemporary Drama by Deborah Grace
- Le dernier Napoléon: 1819-1821 (French Edition) by Michel Dancoisne-Martineau
- Les lieux de Napoléon (French Edition) by Charles-Éloi Vial
- Leschenault de la Tour (1773-1825), voyageur naturaliste: De la Nouvelle-Hollande à Java & de l’Inde à la Guyane (French edition) by Michel Jangoux
- Life in the Georgian Parsonage: Morals, Material Goods and the English Clergy by Jon Stobart
- Mary Shepherd’s an Essay Upon the Relation of Cause and Effect (Oxford New Histories of Philosophy) by Don Garrett
- Making an Industrial Revolution: Skill, Knowledge, Community and Innovation by Gillian Cookson
- Napoleon in British Culture: c. 1815 – 1840 by James Gregory
- Nonbinary Jane Austen (Forerunners: Ideas First) by Chris Washington
- Nursing the English from Plague to Peterloo, 1660-1820 (Nursing History and Humanities) by Alannah Tomkins
- Patronage and the British Navy, 1775-1815 by Catherine Beck
- Physics in Minerva’s Academy: Early to Mid-Eighteenth-Century Appropriations of Isaac Newton’s Natural Philosophy at the University of Leiden and in … and Learned Cultures and Their Institutions) by Steffen Ducheyne
- Robert Peel: A Life of Reform and its Relevance Today by George Wilson
- Studies in Illuminism: A Historical study of French Illuminism in the Masonic World of the 18th Century by Rene Philipon and Timothy Wright
- The Dutch Transatlantic Slave Trade: New Methods, Perspectives, and Sources (Slavery and Emancipation) by Ramona Negrón, Jessica den Oudsten, Camilla de Koning, Karwan Fatah-Black
- The Greatest Rogue in England: The Shocking Career and Dramatic Downfall of Colonel Francis Charteris by Linda Stratmann
- The Music of the Gothic: 1789-1820 (Elements in the Gothic) by Emma McEvoy
- The Napoleonic Wars: A Medical History by Martin R Howard
- Under Alien Skies: Environment, Suffering, and the Defeat of the British Military in Revolutionary America by Vaughn Scribner
- Wellington: Beyond Boots and Beef by George Wilson
Scheduled for December 2024
- All the Seas of the World: The First Global Naval War, 1739-1748: Volume 1, 1739-1745 (From Reason to Revolution) by Albert C E Parker
- Art and Artifice in Visual Culture: Eighteenth Century to the Present (Routledge Research in Art History) by Sonia Coman, Vasile-Ovidiu Prejmerean, Michael Yonan
- British Romanticism and Prison Reform (Transits: Literature, Thought & Culture, 1650-1850) by Jonas Cope
- Broadside and Boarding: Small scale action in the Age of Fighting Sail by Antoine Vanner
- Cakes and Ale: Mr Robert Baddeley and his Twelfth Night Cakes by Nick Bromley
- Casanova and Enlightenment: His Study of Life and Other Writers (Kindle Edition) by David John Thompson
- Cockfighting in Britain Since the Enlightenment by Alexander Sutherland
- Confronting Napoleon: Levin Von Bennigsen’s Memoir of the Campaign in Poland, 1806-1807: Volume II – The Friedland Campaign (From Reason to Revolution) by Alexander Mikaberidze and Paul Strietelmeier
- Enlightenment’s Reformation: Religion and Philosophy in Germany, 1750–1830 (Ideas in Context, Series Number 152) by Michael Printy
- Fagottini and Tenoroons: Small-Sized Bassoons from the 18th and 19th Centuries by Donna Agrell, Thomas Drescher, Martin Kirnbauer
- Henry Fielding: A Life (Routledge Revivals) by Martin C Battestin
- Infantry in Battle 1733-1783 (From Reason to Revolution) by Alexander S Burns (-> update: is now scheduled for January)
- Jane Austen on Nature: The Novels as Pastoral Literature by Mary Jane Curry
- John Company’s Armies: The Military Forces of British India 1824-57: 12 (War & Military Culture in South Asia) by Peter Stanley
- Let the Men Cross: The Second Battle of Porto, May 1809, and the Liberation of Northern Portugal (From Reason to Revolution) by Marcus Cribb (-> update: postponed)
- Napoleons Ägyptenfeldzug: Napoleons ägyptisches Abenteuer und der Wandel Europas (German edition) by Paul Fracasse
- Portraits in Silk: Seven Silk Designers and Manufacturers in Eighteenth-Century France by Lesley Ellis Miller
- Quatremère de Quincy: Art and Politics during the French Revolution by David Gilks
- Queen Charlotte: Family, Duty, Scandal (Lives of Royal Women) by Natalee Garrett
- Round about Our Coal Fire, or, Christmas Entertainments by Anonymous
- Sardinian-Piedmontese Army in the War of the Austrian Succession 1740-1748: Organisation, Uniforms & Equipment Including Flags, Standards & Guidons (From Reason to Revolution) by David Alan Wilson (-> update: probably delayed)
- Self and Sensibility: Essays in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy of Mind by Udo Thiel, Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner, Giuseppe Motta, Gideon Stiening
- Shoes and the Georgian Man by Matthew McCormack
- The Emperor’s Descent: Napoleon’s Russian Campaign and the Turning Point of a Legacy Kindle Edition by Gaston Serraz
- The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (Warfare Through the Centuries) by Ian Westwell
- The Soldier’s Reward: Love and War in the Age of the French Revolution and Napoleon by Jennifer Ngaire Heuer
- The Women of Rendezvous: A Transatlantic Story of Family and Slavery by Jenny Shaw
- Warfare in the 18th Century (Warfare Through the Centuries) by Ian Westwell
- What Is Enlightenment?: Questions for the Eighteenth Century by Raphael Gross and Liliane Weissberg
- Worthy of Praise: The Dutch Army in the War of Liberation and the Hundred Days 1813-1815 (From Reason to Revolution) by Marc Geerdink-Schaftenaar (-> update: probably delayed)
Scheduled for November 2024
- A History of Ireland Under the Union: 1801 – 1922 (Routledge Revivals) by P. S. O’Hegarty
- A History of the Public Library Movement in Great Britain and Ireland (Routledge Revivals) by John Minto
- Aigle, crocodile et faucon: Napoléon à l’île d’Elbe 1814 – 1827 (French edition) by Jacques Favier
- Arming the Warship: Naval Weapons Technology and Gunnery from the Spanish Armada to the Cold War by Iver P. Cooper
- Authorship in the Days of Johnson: Being a Study of the Relation Between Author, Patron, Publisher and Public, 1726 – 1780 (Routledge Revivals) by A.S. Collins
- A Scot at War with Wellington: The Memoir of Captain James Stirling of the Black Watch by Gareth Glover
- Backcountry War: The Rise of Francis Marion, Banastre Tarleton, and Thomas Sumter by Andrew Waters
- Captain Paul Cuffe, Yeoman: A Biography (Black New England) by Jeffrey A. Fortin
- Catholics in London 1800 – 1850 by Jean Olwen Maynard
- David Brewster and the Culture of Science in Scotland, 1793 – 1843 by Bill Jenkins
- Dress and Undress: The Restoration and Eighteenth Century (Routledge Revivals) by Iris Brooke
- England in the Nineteenth Century Volume 1: 1801 – 1805 (Routledge Revivals) by A. F. Fremantle
- England in the Nineteenth Century Volume 2: 1806 – 1810 (Routledge Revivals) by A. F. Fremantle
- Entre princes et marchands: Les agents généraux de France à Madrid dans les interstices de la diplomatie (1702-1793) (French edition) by Sylvain Lloret, Lucien Bély
- Every Valley: The Story of Handel’s Messiah by Charles King
- Fighting the Russians: French Soldiers’ Letters, 1799 – 1815 by Bernard Wilkin, Réne Wilkin
- Gender and emotion in eighteenth-century Britain: Raging Women and Crying Men: 2024:11 (Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment) by Anne F. Widmayer
- Het Engeland van Jane Austen (Dominicus reisgids) (Dutch edition) by Karin Quint
- Houses, Families, and Cohabitation: Swedish Towns in the Eighteenth Century (Routledge Research in Early Modern History) by Dag Lindström and Göran Tagesson
- Infantry in Battle 1733 – 1783 (From Reason to Revolution) by Alexander S Burns
- Inventaire Napoleon: Vol. I – Les Peintures Italiennes du Musee Napoleon (1810 – 1815) (French edition) by Stephane Loire
- King George’s Army, British Regiments and the Men Who Led Them Volume 3: British Infantry; 31st to 60th Regiments of Foot (From Reason to Revolution) by Steve Brown
- Lady Huntington and Her Friends by Helen Cross Knight
- La ferme du Caillou, dernier quartier général de Napoléon à Vieux-Genappe: Le développement d’une ferme anonyme en un lieu de mémoire (French edition) by Jérémy Verbeken
- Leschenault de la Tour (1773 – 1825), voyageur naturaliste: De la Nouvelle-Hollande à Java & de l’Inde à la Guyane (French edition) by Michel Jangoux
- Les guerres napoléoniennes: Tome 1 + 2 (French edition) by Alexander Mikaberidze
- Manuscript of Carabineers: History of French Elite Carabiniers Regiments during Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars (1792-1814) (Louis Leroi Library) by A.Albert former captain Quartermaster of the 1st Carbineers Regiment and Louis Leroi
- Maritime Metropolis: London and its Port, 1780 – 1914 (Cambridge Studies in Economic History – Second Series) by Sarah Palmer
- Medicalizing Difference: The Eighteenth-Century Construction of the “Hermaphrodite” (Critical Interventions in the Medical and Health Humanities) by Stephanie M. Hilger
- Mutiny on the Black Prince: Slavery, Piracy, and the Limits of Liberty in the Revolutionary Atlantic World by James H. Sweet
- Orangeism in Ireland and Britain: 1795-1836 by Hereward Senior
- Plymouth’s Military Heritage by Ernie Hoblyn
- Portugal 1808: Wellington’s First Peninsular Campaign by Tim Saunders
- Power Plays and Pulpits: Telford’s Century in Scotland 1750 – 1850 by John L. Millar
- Prolific Ground: Landscape and British Women’s Writing, 1690 – 1790 (Transits: Literature, Thought & Culture, 1650-1850) by Nicolle Jordan
- Representations of Violence in the Eighteenth-Century Pacific: From Dampier to Cook by Sandhya Patel
- Scotland’s contribution to Naval and Military Medicine and Surgery by Iain Macintyre
- Servants Abroad: Travel Journals by British Working People, 1765 – 1798: 67 (Records of Social and Economic History) by Richard Ansell
- Studies in Eighteenth-Century Music: A Tribute to Karl Geiringer on his Seventieth Birthday (Routledge Revivals) by H. C. Robbins Landon
- The Age of Reason and Madness: A Courtier’s Guide to Surviving the Hanoverian Court by I.Z. Rose
- The Barrack, 1572 – 1914: Chapters in the History of Emergency Architecture by Robert Jan van Pelt
- The Domestic Servant in Eighteenth-Century England (Routledge Revivals) by J. Jean Hecht
- The Dutch Transatlantic Slave Trade: New Methods, Perspectives, and Sources (Slavery and Emancipation) by Ramona Negrón, Jessica den Oudsten, et al.
- The Georgian Triumph, 1700 – 1830 (Routledge Revivals) by Michael Ree
- The History of the Schaumburg-Lippe-Bückeburg Carabinier and Jäger Corps by R During and PH D James McIntyre
- The Life of Alexander Stewart: Prisoner of Napoleon and Preacher of the Gospel (Sir Halley Stewart Trust: Publications) by Alexander Stewart and Albert Peel
- The Man Who Lost America: A Biography of Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne (Heroes and Villains from American History) by Noel B. Gerson
- The Rise of Party in England: The Rockingham Whigs 1760 – 82 (Routledge Revivals) by Frank O’Gormann
- The Texture of Change: Dress, Self-Fashioning, and History in Western Africa, 1700 – 1850 (New African Histories) by Jody Benjamin
- The Trafalgar Chronicle: Dedicated to Naval History in the Nelson Era: New Series 9 by John A Rodgaard and Judith Pearson
- Unsung: William Moultrie and the Battle of Sullivan’s Island by Norm Rickeman
- 1813 – Die Schlacht bei Bautzen: Ein Pyrrhussieg Napoleons (German edition) by Gerd Fesser
- Games: La boîte de Napoléon: 600 questions pour des défis passionnants sur la vie et les exploits du grand empereur (French edition) by Pietro Gorini
Scheduled for October 2024
- Abandoned by Napoleon in Russia’s Depths, Marshal Michel Ney’s Rear Guard’s Struggle for Survival: Vol II by Phillip Thomas Tucker
- Adventures in Time: Nelson, Hero of the Seas by Dominic Sandbrook
- Declarations of Independence: Indigenous Resilience, Colonial Rivalries, and the Cost of Revolution (The Revolutionary Age) by Christopher R. Pearl
- Die Napoleonischen Kriege (Weltenbrand: Die großen Konflikte 3) (German edition) by History Nerds
- Early English Periodicals and Early Modern Social Media (Elements in Eighteenth-Century Connections) by Margaret J. M. Ezell
- Eighteenth-Century Women Writers and the Gentleman’s Liberation Movement: Independence, War, Masculinity, and the Novel, 1778 – 1818 by Megan A. Woodworth
- Engines of Mischief: Technology, Rebellion, and the Industrial Revolution in England, 1817-1818 (Reacting to the Past) by Louise Blakeney Williams, Brendan Palla, et al.
- English Country House Style: Traditions, Secrets, and Unwritten Rules by Milo Campbell, Katy Campbell, et al.
- English Culture: From the 18th Century to the Present Day by Jeremy Black
- Er was eens een confederale republiek België: Gebundelde lezingen over de Slag van Turnhout in 1789 en de periode van de Brabantse Omwenteling (Dutch edition) by Francis Stijnen, Patrick De Vusser
- Essays on Swedish Cultural Life During the Late Eighteenth Century: Dusting Out the Corners by Alan Mauritz Swanson and Bertil van Boer
- French Infantry During the Seven Years War 1756-1763 Volume 1: Organisation: 137 (From Reason to Revolution) by Jean-Louis Vial
- From Fighting Napoleon to the Scottish Military Academy: The Life of Captain John Orr by Rosslyn Macphail
- Frontier Soldiers of New France Volume 1: Regulation Clothing, Armament, and Equipment of the Colonial Troops in New France (1683-1760) (From Reason to Revolution) by Rene Chartrand, Kevin Gelinas, et al.
- General David Wooster: Hero of the American Revolution, 1710-1777 by Jason Edwin Anderson
- Healthcare within the Royal Swedish Army during the years 1800-1814 by Torbjorn Blomqvist
- Jane Austen Biography: The Quiet Genius Behind the Classics (A Detailed Account and Timeless Impression) by Bram L. Alaric
- Jane Austen’s Remarkable Aunt, Philadelphia Hancock: ‘A Girl of Genius and Feeling’ by Jan Merriman
- Joseph Hart: (1712-1768), Eighteenth-Century Hymnody, and the British Evangelical Movement by Brian G. Najapfour
- Leuthen: Great Battles by T. G. Otte
- L’homme du tableau: Être français à Berlin au temps de Napoléon (French edition) by Ingrid Brunstein
- Lost Gardens of London by Todd Longstaffe-Gowan
- Masters and Journeymen: A Prehistory of Industrial Relations, 1717–1800 (Routledge Library Editions: Industrial Relations) by C.R. Dobson
- Napoleon Bonaparte: The Conqueror and the Conquests by Eliana Rose Perry
- Napoléon ou le retour au 18e siécle: Du révolutionnaire au conservateur (French edition) by Denys Brunel
- Napoléon ou le triomphe du XVIIIème siècle (French edition) by Denys Brunel
- Oeuvres complètes T. 1-vol.2 Journaux 1790-1796: volume 2 Le Tribun du peuple (n°34 à 43), L’Éclaireur du people (French edition) by Gracchus Babeuf, Stéphanie Roza, et al.
- Rag Fair: A Different Migration History of London’s East End, 1780-1850 (Studies in British and Imperial History Book 10) by Ole Münch
- Remembering Anne Beach: Love, Scandal, and Sickness in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Carolyn Day
- Seventeenth and eighteens centuries: History of Costume and Fashion – Fashion in the West from the Egyptians to 2020 by Nazzareno Luigi Todarello
- The Archive of Empire: Knowledge, Conquest, and the Making of the Early Modern British World (The Lewis Walpole Series in Eighteenth-Century Culture and History) by Asheesh Kapur Siddique
- The Corsican Emperor: Napoleon’s Path to Power and Legacy by Riley Bailey
- The English Landscape Garden: Dreaming of Arcadia by Tim Richardson
- The French Revolution and the European Balance of Power by Robert Moloney
- The History of the Book in the West: 17001800: Volume III (The History of the Book in the West: A Library of Critical Essays) by Eleanor F. Shevlin
- The Last Jacobites: Heroes, History and Culture after the Battle of Culloden by Keith Coleman
- The Official Bridgerton Cookbook by Regula Ysewijn
- The Oxford Handbook of the Seven Years’ War (Oxford Handbooks) by Trevor Burnard, Emma Hart, Marie Houllemare
- The Pocket Jane Austen: Quizzes and Puzzles (Pocket Books) by Gemini Books
- The Price of Victory: A Naval History of Britain: 1815 – 1945 by N. A. M. Rodger
- The Science Behind 18th century Sailing Warships and How They Actually Work by M. Melvin West
- The Shape of War: The West and Counterinsurgency from the 18th Century to the Present Day (Wolverhampton Military Studies) by Federica Saini Fasanotti
- The Theatres of Eighteenth-Century Weather: Spectacle and Climatological Reckoning in English Drama by Denys Van Renen
- The Technical Corps Between France and Italy, 1750-1814 (War, Culture and Society, 1750–1850) by Lorenzo Cuccoli
- Transnational Women Writers in the Wilmot Coterie, 1798-1840: Beyond Borders and Boundaries (Studies in the Eighteenth Century Book 13) by Alexis Wolf
- Unsettling Sexuality: Queer Horizons in the Long Eighteenth Century by Jeremy Chow, Shelby Johnson, et al.
- Voltaire: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works (Significant Figures in World History) by Síofra Pierse
Scheduled for September 2024
- A Glimpse into the Regency: Life and Times of Elegance and Intrigue by Claudine Young
- Cambacérès, l’atout de Napoléon: Souvenirs de l’exposition au mu (French edition) by M Eric Barthe and Mme Laurence Chatel de Brancion
- Eighteenth-Century Transplantations: New Literary Lives, Forms and Contexts (Routledge Studies in
- Eighteenth-Century Literature) by Anna Paluchowska-Messing, Jakub Lipski, et al.
- Fighting with Napoleon’s Light Infantry: The Memoirs of Captain Vincent Bertrand 1805-1815 by Neil Sanghvi
- French Infantry During the Seven Years War 1756-1763 Volume 1: Organisation (From Reason to Revolution) by Jean-Louis Vial
- French Revolutionary Lives (War, Culture and Society, 1750–1850) by David A. Bell and Colin Jones
- George III: The Madness of a King: The Human Cost of Royal Duty by Claudine Young
- Ignatius Sancho and the British Abolitionist Movement, 1729-1786: Manhood, Race and Sensibility by G. J. Barker-Benfield
- Jane Austen Oracle by Lulumineuse
- Jane Austen: The Visual Encyclopedia by Claire Saim and Gwen Gire
- Jane Austen: Vida Privada En La Época de la Regencia (Spanish edition) by Jane Austen, Laura Manzanera, et al.
- Jane Austen at 250: Her Art, Life and Times Hardcover by Christopher Richard Kerr
- Jane Austen – Wissenswertes & Erstaunliches: Leben und Werk in kurzen Kapiteln (German edition)
- King George’s Hangman: Henry Hawley and the Battle of Falkirk, 1746 (Reason to Revolution) by Jonathan D. Oates
- Left in the Shadows by Frances Christie
- L’esercito della Repubblica di Venezia dal 1684 al 1797 – Vol. 1 & 2 (Italian edition) by Giancarlo Boeri, Gianfranco Marzin, Luca Soppelsa, Roberto Vela
- Machineman: De tijden van Eise Eisinga (Dutch edition) by Sandra Langereis
- Mapping the State: English Boundaries and the 1832 Reform Act (New Historical Perspectives) von Martin Spychal
- Napoleon’s Great Escapes: The History of Napoleon’s Escapes from Egypt and Elba by Charles River
- Napoleon’s Undefeated Marshal: Louis Davout and the Art of Leadership by Martin Sullivan
- Napoleon vs the Old & New World Orders by Mike S. King
- Nature’s Registry: Documenting Natural History in Prussia, 1770-1850 (Sci & Culture in the Nineteenth Century) by Anne MacKinney
- Plantation Slavery, Jamaica and Absentee Ownership: The Burtons of Norfolk, 1788–1846 by Richard C. Maguire
- Servir l’empereur ou trahir la France? (French edition) by Florence de Baudus
- The Atlantic Frontier of the Thirteen American Colonies and States: Essays in Eighteenth-Century Commercial and Social History (Variorum Collected Studies) by Jacob M. Price
- The Battle of Waterloo: England’s Great Battles (History of Britain for Young Historians) by Adrian Paul
- The Broadview Anthology of Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Drama by Diana Solomon, David Weston, J. Douglas Canfield
- The Clausewitz Myth: Or the Emperor’s New Clothes by Azar Gat
- The Cultural Politics of Opera, 1720-1742: The Era of Walpole, Pope and Handel (Music in Britain, 1600-2000) by Thomas McGeary
- The Experience of Labour in Eighteenth-Century Industry (Routledge Library Editions: Work & Society) (reedition) by John Rule
- The Napoleonic Wars: An Enthralling Guide to Global Conflict, Revolutionary Tactics, and the Empire’s Expansion (Military History) by Billy Wellman
- The Laissez-Faire Experiment: Why Britain Embraced and Then Abandoned Small Government, 1800–1914: 97 (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World) by W. Walker Hanlon
- The Prussian Army of Frederick the Great, 1740-1786: History, Organization and Uniforms by Gabriele Esposito
- The Russian Army 1697 – 1797 by Gabriele Esposito
- The Russian Patriotic War of 1812 Volume 2: The Russian Official History (From Reason to Revolution) by Modest Ivanovich Bogdanovich and Peter G.A. Phillips
- The Scientist Turned Spy: André Michaux, Thomas Jefferson, and the Conspiracy of 1793 (Jeffersonian America) by Patrick Spero
- The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of the Picturesque: A Critical Edition for Readers of Jane Austen (Forgotten Contemporaries of Jane Austen) by William Combe , Ben Wiebracht, et alThe Transatlantic Design Network: Thomas Jefferson, John Soane, and Agents of Architectural Exchange by Danielle S. Willkens
- The United Kingdom and Spain in the Eighteenth Century: Beloved Enemy (Routledge Studies in Modern European History) by Manuel-Reyes García Hurtado
- Warra Warra Wai: How Indigenous Australians discovered Captain Cook, and what they tell about the coming of the Ghost People by Darren Rix and Craig Cormick
- Waterloo: The Attack of I Corps by Graeme Callister
- Weihnachtliche Tea Time mit Jane Austen: Rezepte & Zitate (German edition)
- Women on Philosophy of Art: Britain 1770-1900 by Alison Stone
- Young Workers of the Industrial Age: Child Labour in the 18th and 19th Centuries by Sue Wilkes
Scheduled for August 2024
- A Fortified Sea: The Defense of the Caribbean in the Eighteenth Century (Maritime Currents: History and Archaeology) by Pedro Luengo and Gene Allen Smith
- At War With Wellington: The Peninsular War Letters of William, George and Charles Napier by Gareth Glover and Robert Burnham
- A Visit to Flanders in July 1815 Being Chiefly am Account of the Field of Waterloo. With A Short Sketch of Antwerp & Brussels, At That Time Occupied by The Wounded of Both Armies by James Simpson
- Battles and Battlefields of the Peninsular War: 134 (From Reason to Revolution) by Charles J Esdaile
- Combat Losses Of The Royal Swedish Army: During the Danish war of 1808-1809 by Torbjorn Blomqvist
- Compiling Texts in Eighteenth-Century Britain: Mediating the Scottish Enlightenment (Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Cultures of Print) by Rebeca Araya Acosta
- Early western travels, 1748-1846 by Alexander Ross
- EMMA Coloring Book: Based on the Jane Austen classic by Cerise Papeterie
- Empire, Kinship and Violence: Family Histories, Indigenous Rights and the Making of Settler Colonialism, 1770-1842 (Critical Perspectives on Empire) by Elizabeth Elbourne
- Everyday Georgian: Life and Society in 18th Century London by Zoe S Fletcher
- Jane Austen, Abolitionist: The Loaded History of the Phrase “Pride and Prejudice” by Margie Burn
- Jane Austen in the Thames Valley by June Durant
- Key Thinkers of the English, Scottish and American Enlightenments: From Locke to Madison by Sabrina P. Ramet and Torbjørn L. Knutsen
- La ferme du Caillou, dernier quartier général de Napoléon à Vieux-Genappe: Le développement d’une ferme anonyme en un lieu de mémoire (French edition) by Jérémy Verbeken
- Le Chateau Cut & Collage: 18th Century Style French Image Collection For Junk Journals, Decoupage, Scrapbooking And Paper Craft by Kitty Rose Vintage
- Legenden der Aufklärung: Das Leben und Vermächtnis von Voltaire (German edition) by Charles River Editors
- Napoléon et l’Algérie 1802 – 1808 (French edition) by Gérard Buttoud
- Napoleon – General and Politician: Military and diplomatic history contributions by Mario Kandil, Karl Goschescheck
- Nelson’s Pathfinders: A Forgotten Story in the Triumph of British Sea Power by Michael Barritt
- Officers, Entrepreneurs, Career Migrants, and Diplomats: Military Entrepreneurs in the Early Modern World: 145 (History of Warfare) by Philippe Rogger, André Holenstein
- On Gladsmuir Shall the Battle Be!: The Battle of Prestonpans 1745 (From Reason to Revolution) by Arran Johnston
- Penning the Past: A Regency Romance Writer’s Library : Including 10 Steps for Doing Excellent Historical Research, Tips & Advice for Writers of Historical Fiction, and Pointers for Christian Writers by Linore Rose Burkard
- Policing and urban society in eighteenth-century Paris: 2024:08 (Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment) by Pascal Bastien
- Polish Culture in Britain: Literature and History, 1772 to the Present by Maggie Ann Bowers and Ben Dew
- Products, Users, and Popular Luxury in Early Modern Greece (Routledge Research in Early Modern History) by Artemis Yagou
- Romanticism, Liberal Imperialism, and Technology in Early British India: “The all-changing power of steam” by Daniel E. White
- Rough sketches of the life of an old soldier by Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Leach (reprint)
- Sense and Sensibility Coloring Book by Cerise Papeterie
- Singing by Herself: Lonely Poets in the Long Eighteenth Century by Amelia Worsley
- Sir John Vanbrugh and Landscape Architecture in Baroque England by Christopher Ridgway, Robert Williams
- Slavery and Colonialism in the History of Economic Thought: The Cases of France and Great Britain (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) by Simona Pisanelli
- Sketching Splendor: American Natural History, 1750-1850 by Anna Majeski, American Philosophical Society
- Sowing Dragon Teeth: A Novel of the Battle of Lexington and Concord by Dana R. Dillon
- Spouses, Church, and State: Marriage Law in England and Protestant Germany from the Reformation until the Close of the Nineteenth Century (Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht) by Saskia Lettmaier
- Tea and the Tea-Table in Eighteenth-Century England Vol 1-4 by Markman Ellis, Richard Coulton, et al (reprint)
- The Army of the Kingdom of Italy 1805-1814 by Luca Stefano Cristini , Guglielmo Aimaretti, et al.
- The Arsenal of Eighteenth-century Chemistry Set: The Laboratories of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier 1743-1794 (Nuncius Series, 10) by Paolo Brenni and Marco Beretta
- The Archive of Empire: Knowledge, Conquest, and the Making of the Early Modern British World (The Lewis Walpole Series in Eighteenth-Century Culture and History) by Asheesh Kapur Siddique
- The Epic Life Story of Napoleon Bonaparte: A Life of a Military Genius by Shelby W. Armstrong
- The European Experience in Slavery, 1650–1850 by Rebekka Mallinckrodt
- The Evolution of Gun Making: Machine made weapons, 1700–1820 by Peter G. Smithurst
- The Dark Side of Jane Austen’s World by Angela Youngman
- The Literary History of England from 1760 to 1825, Vol. by Margaret Wilson Oliphan
- The Making of European Music in the Long Eighteenth Century (New Cultural History of Music) by D. R. M. Irving
- The Mobile Image from Watteau to Boucher by David Pullins
- The Old Pike by Thomas B. Searight
- The Real Story of the French Revolution: Separating Myth From Reality by Mike Wells
- The Rising Generation: Gradual Abolition, Black Legal Culture, and the Making of National Freedom by Sarah L. H. Gronningsater
- The Life and Times of Samuel Crompton: Whispers of the Industrial Revolution by David Leece
- Voices of Libery, 1770-1774 by John Slider
- Walking With Wade: Exploring General Wade’s Lost and Forgotten Military Roads by George Reynolds
- 5 Napoleonic Wars Treaties:: Analyzed by Eli Grossman
- 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era (Volume 29) by Kevin L. Cope, Samara Anne Cahill, et al.
- 18th Century House & Street View: Adult Coloring Book by Karli Beetle
- 50 Battle Of Waterloo Coloring Pages Book for Kids and Adults by Janelle Parkton
Scheduled for July 2024
- A Most Unsettled Man: the Triumphs and Travails of George Matcham by Lily Style
- Argentina: The British Invasion of Buenos Aires, 1806 by Robert Philippi
- A Tour through Part of North Wales, in the Year 1798, and at Other Times by John Evans
- Battles of Waterloo: Legacy of Defeat by Brice Bennett
- British Romanticism and Denmark (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Romanticism) by Cian Duffy
- Comfortable Everyday Life at the Swedish Eighteenth-Century Näs Manor (Visual and Material Culture, 1300-1700) by Carolina Brown
- Curious Travellers: Writing the Welsh Tour, 1760-1820 by Mary-Ann Constantine
- Foreign Jack Tars: The British Navy and Transnational Seafarers during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (Modern British Histories) by Sara Caputo
- French Infantry During the Seven Years War 1756-1763 Volume 1: Organisation (From Reason to Revolution) by Jean-Louis Vial
- From Empire to Revolution: Sir James Wright and the Price of Loyalty in Georgia by Greg Brooking
- George Hudson: The Railway King: A New Biography by Matthew Wells
- Hesse’s Role in the Seven Years’ War: Strategic Insights and Military Tactics (Volume III) by Carl Renouard and Sean Lyman
- Informal Education in Eighteenth-Century Ireland (Global Histories of Education) by M. Wade Mahon
- John Company’s Armies: The Military Forces of British India 1824-57 (War & Military Culture in South Asia) by Peter Stanley
- Metropolitan Science: London Sites and Cultures of Knowledge and Practice, 1600-1800: London Sites and Cultures of Knowledge and Practice, c. 1600-1800 by Noah Moxham, Rebekah Higgitt, et al.
- Modes & Manners of the Nineteenth Century: Volume 1: 1790-1817 by Oskar Fischel, Max von Boehn
- Napoleonic Wars Uncovered: A Deeper Look into the Era with 101 Fascinating Facts by Lyle Fischer
- Performing the Temple of Liberty: Slavery, Theater, and Popular Culture in London and Philadelphia, 1760-1850 (Contemporary American Srudies) (Russian edition) by Jenna Gibbs and Kirill Savel’ev
- Print, Politics and Trade in the French Atlantic: The Labottière Family as Eighteenth-Century Cultural Brokers (Knowledge and Communication in the Enlightenment World Book 3) by Jane McLeod
- Reading with the Burneys: Patronage, Paratext, Performance (Elements in Eighteenth-Century Connections) by Sophie Coulombeau
- Regency Era Ladies : Advanced Coloring Book: Fashion History Coloring Pages With Lots Of Charming Images For Adults To Relieve Stress by Durero Coloring Books
- Quicksilver Captain: The Improbable Life of Sir Home Riggs Popham (From Reason to Revolution) by Jacqueline Reiter
- Sinn und Sinnlichkeit – Das große Jane-Austen-Malbuch (German edition) by Ludovic Sallé
- The British and German Worlds in an Age of Divergence (1600–1850): Ambiguous Entanglements (Routledge Research in Early Modern History) by Niels Grüne and Stefan Ehrenpreis
- The Edinburgh Companion to the Eighteenth-Century British Novel and the Arts (Edinburgh Companions to Literature and the Humanities) by Jakub Lipski and M-C. Newbould
- The Enclosure of Knowledge: Books, Power and Agrarian Capitalism in Britain, 1660–1800 (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History) by James D. Fisher
- The Gallery at Cleveland House: Displaying Art and Society in Late Georgian London (Material Culture of Art and Design) by Anne Nellis Richter
- The Gentle Author’s Cries of London by The Gentle Author
- The Life And Times Of Napoleone Di Buonaparte (Biography Book): The Story of Napoleon I, A Militant, the First Consul and Emperor of French Republic during the Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars by Rachel Robinson
- The Material Landscapes of Scotland’s Jewellery Craft, 1780-1914 (Material Culture of Art and Design) by Sarah Laurenson
- The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century by Stephen Greenblatt, James Noggle, Courtney Weiss Smith
- The World of Bridgerton: Anglotopia’s Guidebook to The Georgian & Regency Era by Anglotopia LLC
- Travellers in Eighteenth Century Europe: The Sexes Abroad by Julie Peakman
- Twenty-Five Women Who Shaped the Early Modern Holy Roman Empire by Katrin Keller
- What Jane Austen’s Characters Read (and Why) by Susan Allen Ford
- 5 Napoleonic Wars Treaties:: Analyzed by Eli Grossman
Scheduled for June 2024
- A Sunday Morning at Hougoumont: A never-before published account of a Waterloo Courts-Martial by Iain MacArthur Wood
- At home with the poor: Consumer behaviour and material culture in England, c.1650-1850 (Studies in Design and Material Culture) by Joseph Harley
- Billy Waters is Dancing: Or, How a Black Sailor Found Fame in Regency Britain by Mary L. Shannon
- British West Indian Newspapers and the Abolition of Slavery (Routledge Studies in Modern History) by Andrew Lewis
- British Writers, Popular Literature and New Media Innovation, 1820-45 (Nineteenth-Century and Neo-Victorian Cultures) by Alexis Easley
- Citizens to Arms!: Uniforms of the French Revolutionary Armies 1792-1799: 133 (From Reason to Revolution) by Yves Martin
- Champion of English Freedom: The Life of John Wilkes, MP and Lord Mayor of London by Robin Eagles
- Color, Cut, Dress Up 1810s Fashion History Paper Dolls Coloring Book, Dollys and Friends Originals: Fashion Activity Vintage Dress Up Collection of Empire and Regency Costumes by Basak Tinli
- Constitutional Bureaucracy: The Development of the British Central Administration Since the Eighteenth Century (Routledge Library Editions: Government) by Henry Parris
- Cultures of Identification in Napoleonic Italy, c.1800–1814 (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Italy) by Stefano Poggi
- Early English Periodicals and Early Modern Social Media (Elements in Eighteenth-Century Connections) by Margaret J. M. Ezell
- Glorious Lessons: John Trumbull, Painter of the American Revolution by Richard Brookhiser
- Innovations in Teaching History: Eighteenth-Century Studies in Higher Education by Ruth Larsen, Alice Marples, Matthew McCormack
- Intima 18th century: French art de vivre in the eighteenth century (French edition) by Armelle Fémelat, Guillaume Léage
- Jane Austen and the Price of Happiness by Inger Sigrun Bredkjær Brodey
- Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis, drogman et orientaliste (1739-1799) (French edition) by Sibylle Jauffret-Derville
- Key Thinkers of the English, Scottish and American Enlightenments: From Locke to Madison by Sabrina Ramet and Torbjørn Knutsen
- Le Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène (French Edition) by Emmanuel Las Cases, Peter Hicks, Chantal Prévot
- Life at the Margins in Early Modern Scotland by Allan Kennedy, Susanne Weston et all.
- Maritime Bristol in the Slave-Trade Era by Professor Nicholas Rogers
- Napoleon and The United States: Unveiling The Untold Connections by Alfred Schalck de la Faverie
- Napoleons Schwiegersohn: Großherzog Karl Ludwig Friedrich von Baden (1786-1818) (German edition) by Hans Merkle
- Pharmacopoeias, Drug Regulation, and Empires: Making Medicines Official in Britain’s Imperial World, 1618–1968 (Intoxicating Histories, 10) by Stuart Anderson (
- Persuasion after Rhetoric in the Eighteenth Century and Romanticism by Yasmin Solomonescu and Stefan H. Uhlig
- Persuasion: A Norton Critical Edition: 0 (Norton Critical Editions) by Jane Austen, Rae Greiner
- Policing Same-Sex Relations in Eighteenth-Century Paris: Archival Voices from 1785 by Jeffrey Merrick
- Political Journalism in London, 1695-1720: Defoe, Swift, Steele and their Contemporaries: 8 (Studies in the Eighteenth Century) by Ashley Marshall
- Reflecting on History: How the Industrial Revolution Created Our Way of Life by Peter H. Spitz
- Scandinavia After Napoleon: The Genesis of Scandinavianism (War, Culture and Society, 1750–1850) by Rasmus Glenthøj (Author), Morten Nordhagen Ottosen (Author)
- Soldiers of Uncertain Rank: The West India Regiments in British Imperial Culture (Critical Perspectives on Empire) by David Lamber
- Sounds of Power: Sonic Court Rituals In- And Outside Europe in the 15th-18th Centuries by Margret Scharrer and Tul Demirbas
- Spouses, Church, and State: Marriage Law in England and Protestant Germany from the Reformation until the Close of the Nineteenth Century (Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht) by Saskia Lettmaier
- Stolz und Vorurteil: Jane Austens Klassiker erstmals als liebevoll umgesetzte Graphic Novel (German Edition) by Jane Austen, Claudia Kühn, Tara Spruit, Loewe Graphix
- Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture: 53 by David A. Brewer and Crystal B. Lake
- French Infantry During the Seven Years War 1756-1763 Volume 1: Organisation (From Reason to Revolution) by Jean-Louis Vial
- The French Revolution and Napoleon: A Sourcebook by Philip Dwyer, Peter Mcphee
- The intellectual world of the Country House in Ireland and Britain by Terence Dooley and Christopher Ridgway
- The Naval Mutinies of 1798: The Irish Plot to Seize the Channel Fleet by Philip MacDougall
- The Prussian Army of Frederick the Great, 1740-1786: History, Organization and Uniforms by Gabriele Esposito
- The Real Story of the French Revolution: Separating Myth From Reality by Mike Wells
- The Tobacco Lords: Scotland and the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic by Tom M. Devine
- The story of Bury St Edmunds Market Cross: the history, the actors, and the architect Robert Adam by Adian Tindall
- The Truth About Empire: Real Histories of British Colonialism by Alan Lester, Sathnam Sanghera
- Who killed Napoleon?: 10 new scientific investigations to rescue history by Gérard Lucotte, Philippe Bornet, Jean Tulard
Scheduled for May 2024
- Another Search for Words in Jane Austen by June Durant
- Balancing Strategy: Sea Power, Neutrality, and Prize Law in the Seven Years’ War (Cambridge Military Histories) by Anna Brinkman
- Bonaparta: Napoléon, une passion arabe (French Edition) by Ahmed Youssef
- Britain’s First Empire: Acquisition, Governance and Loss by K A J McLay
- Character and Caricature, 1660-1820 by Jennifer Buckley, Montana Davies-Shuck
- Edmund Burke (Classic Thinkers) by Ross Carroll
- Enlightenment Biopolitics: A History of Race, Eugenics, and the Making of Citizens (The Life of Ideas) by William Max Nelson
- Enlightenment Links: Theories of Mind and Media in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Stanford Text Technologies) by Collin Jennings
- Elizabeth Heyrick: The Making of an Anti-Slavery Campaigner by Jocelyn Robson
- Feeding Wellington’s Army from Burgos to Waterloo: The Lively Journal of Assistant Commissary General Tupper Carey – Volume II by Gareth Glover
- Goethe und die Juden: Faszination und Feindschaft (German Edition) by W. Daniel Wilson
- Joseph Butler: A Preacher for Eighteenth-Century Commercial Society by Daisuke Arie, Masatake Okubo, Naoki Yajima
- Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall: Grenzgänger zwischen Orient und Okzident (German edition) by Hannes D. Galter, Siegfried Haas, Rüdiger Lohlker
- La ferme du Caillou, dernier quartier général de Napoléon à Vieux-Genappe: Le développement d’une ferme anonyme en un lieu de mémoire (French edition) by Jérémy Verbeken
- Libertine London: Sex in the Eighteenth-Century Metropolis by Julie Peakman
- Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth-Century British Culture: Volume I: Literature and Philosophy of the Romantic Period by Monika Class and Cian Duff
- Napoleon’s Heavy Cavalry: Uniforms and Equipment of the Cuirassiers and Carabiniers, 1805-1815 by Paul L Dawson
- Mobility and Coercion in an Age of Wars and Revolutions: A Global History, c. 1750–1830 (Publications of the German Historical Institute) by Jan C. Jansen, Kirsten McKenzie
- Napoleon’s Library: The Emperor, His Books and Their Influence on the Napoleonic Era by Louis N Sarkozy
- Obermoschel Im Zeitalter Der Französischen Revolution: ‘Während Dem Wir Französisch Waren, Hat Man Gute Geschäfte Machen Können’ (German edition) by Andreas Becker
- Pie VII: Le pape qui défia Napoléon (French Edition) by Xavier Maréchaux
- Pride and Prejudice and Parties: Regency Era Entertainment for Austen Enthusiasts by R. Thomas
- Pride And Prejudice: Puzzles, Games, and Activities for Avid Readers (Kill Time With Classics) by Il Cartavolante
- Quatremère de Quincy: Art and Politics during the French Revolution by David Gilks
- Retelling Jane Austen: Essays on Recent Adaptations and Derivative Works by Tammy Powley and April Van Camp
- So Just and Glorious a Cause: Britain and the Liberation of Portugal – Rolica and Vimeiro, 1808 (From Reason to Revolution) by Robert Griffith
- Sugar and the Indian Ocean World: Trade and Consumption in the Eighteenth-Century Persian Gulf by Norifumi Daito
- The British in the Adriatic, 1800-1825 by Malcolm Scott Hardy
- The British Country House Revival by Ben Cowell
- The Cambridge Companion to John Herschel (Cambridge Companions to History) by Stephen Case and Lukas M. Verburgt
- The Edinburgh Companion to Jane Austen and the Arts (Edinburgh Companions to Literature and the Humanities) by Joe Bray and Hannah Moss
- The Spiritual Lives and Manuscript Cultures of Eighteenth-Century English Women: Writing Religious Communities (Oxford Historical Monographs) by Cynthia Aalders
- Till the Extinction of This Rebellion: George Rogers Clark, Frontier Warfare, and the Illinois Campaign of 1778-1779 by Eric Sterner
- Women of the Jacobite Rebellions by Phil Carradice
List compiled by Anna M. Thane, author of the novel
“Von tadellosem Ruf” (